Day Three and I’ve been very busy, indeed!
First off, my roses are blooming like crazy. Last year, they didn’t grow much as bushes, nor did they flower much. I think the reason was construction detritus buried in the ground. Plants don’t like growing in concrete. So after removing the hard-as-rock material, now, they’re growing like gangbusters. Huzzah!
I own two Fuji X-Series cameras, the X-T2 and X-T3. I love the way the X-T3 and the 16mm f/1.4 Fuji prime lens has so much fun with outdoor subjects! Can’t wait to get outside and shoot some more. Summer is here!

Eventually, do you think I’ll figure out how to write a proper WordPress blog post? I think so…. I mean, right now, as I look at things, it’s supposed to be WYSIWYG, with the image captions centered, but when I click Preview, the captions are all left justified. I have no idea what I’m doing.
It’s funny, because I’ve set-up dozens of WordPress sites for clients, help them select an awesome theme (I like Divi, but there are tons of great themes out there!) and then they just populate it with content. It always looks so great! But I think maybe I need to learn Divi a little more, because it’s a little more complex than your average theme. Tons of options to fiddle with, but also, a huge selection of layouts to choose from. Analysis paralysis!
But I do think that if I just go through the tutorials, I’ll learn more, and as I practice, I’ll get better.
So if you’re reading these blog posts in the present, you’ll get to watch the blog progress as I learn. And if you’re looking at these blog posts in the future, maybe all of the things I’m complaining about will be fixed, and you’ll be like “I don’t understand! The image captions are all centered. What’s he talking about?”

Oh, yeah, the coolest part about having been a photographer since the 80’s, is that I have countless (almost impossible to count) photos I can share in my blog posts. Not only that, but I can also make new photographs, when I’m not feeling down in the dumps and my pho-jo (it’s like mojo but it’s photography mojo) is missing. The Domo photo was from back in 2008. Back when, George W. Bush was President of the United States, and Obama’s POTUS win was just around the corner. Hope!
But for now, you get what you get. And November 2020 is only a few months away. So don’t forget to vote!

Oh, and one more thing. If you’d like to spend a little time going through my backlog of photography, I have a nice catalog at DeviantArt, Flickr and Instagram. This might be enough content to keep you going, in between blog posts!